We arrived at Warnham Local Nature Reserve shortly after opening time for a recent Sussex Birding Mini-Trip with Stuart and his mother. Two Little Ringed Plovers on the shoreline of the Mill Pond got things off to a great start, and we soon spotted Great Crested Grebes and Tufted Ducks out on the water.

Making our way to the Bullfinch Hide, it was only a short wait before a pair of Bullfinches appeared! A Song Thrush patrolled below, alongside a couple of Bank Voles, and a Great Spotted Woodpecker paid a couple of brief visits.

Chaffinches, Greenfinches and Goldfinches all put in an appearance, as did a pair of Long-tailed Tits. A male Reed Bunting was another highlight.

Another watch over the lake delivered new species for the day with a close drake Shoveler and a pair of Teal that flew to the back of the pond. A young Grey Heron was just visible in a large stick nest in the trees opposite.

Our next stop was Pagham Harbour, where we checked out the Ferry Pool. On the walk out, a Mediterranean Gull flew over.
The edges were busy with waders, with 50 Black-tailed Godwits making up the bulk of the numbers. Two Greenshanks were mixed in, two Redshanks were also on view, but best of all a Spotted Redshank in near-complete summer plumage was visible in the telescope.

About 10 Avocets were feeding in the deeper water and three Green Sandpipers appeared on the mud. It wasn't just waders though, with Shelduck, Teal, Shoveler and Gadwall all on view. A Skylark was singing in the fields at the back and a Reed Warbler sang nearby.
We had been very lucky with the weather and seen plenty of good birds, so it was time to call it a day and drop-off back to the hotel.