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Cuckmere birding

We caught up with returning clients Lois and James for a joyful morning of birding in the Lower Cuckmere last week. It's always a delight to see them and we found a few new birds for Lois's growing life list!

Willow Warbler at Cuckmere Haven. Private guided birding tours in Sussex with Wildstarts.
This Willow Warbler popped out for us as we set off on our walk. This species is migrating back to Africa at the moment, so it's a great time to see them refuelling.
Juvenile Little Ringed Plover at Cuckmere Haven. Private guided birding tours in Sussex with Wildstarts.
Waders included this juvenile Little Ringed Plover, plus Whimbrel, Knot, Redshank, Dunlin, Common Sandpiper and Green Sandpiper!
Juvenile Pied Wagtail at Cuckmere Haven. Private guided birding tours in Sussex with Wildstarts.
Pied Wagtails, including this juvenile, were fun to watch as they preened on the fence posts in between feeding on the muddy banks. We also heard a couple of migrant Yellow Wagtails.
Wheatears at Cuckmere Haven. Private guided birding tours in Sussex with Wildstarts.
We hoped for Wheatears, and we got Wheatears! These three led us towards the beach.
Juvenile Stonechat Cuckmere Haven. Guided Sussex birdwatching walks with Wildstarts.
This juvenile Stonechat was one of several.
Juvenile Mediterranean Gull over Cuckmere Haven. Private guided birding tours in Sussex with Wildstarts.
A small party of Mediterranean Gulls overhead concluded our walk, which had a total of 40 species!

Book your own Sussex Birding Mini-Trip here.


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