We took Gerald, from Oregon, on a private day tour of Kent on Sunday. Our tours typically go very well, but this one was an absolute classic! We made a good team and knocked it out of the park on every stop.
Sevenoaks produced amazing views of Kingfisher searching for tiddlers in the water below, as well as getting woodland treats like Nuthatch and Treecreeper under our belts.

Oare Marshes came up trumps, starting with views of a juvenile Turtle Dove and hunting Hobbies on the way in...

The East Flood was heaving with waders, including Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwits, Golden Plovers, Avocets and so on... A flock of around 40 Common Terns migrating overhead even contained five Black Terns as an added bonus!

The Bearded Reedlings gave themselves up by the road, but we still went for a short walk, which resulted in amazing views of two juvenile Green Woodpeckers, and sightings of a host of warblers: Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat and Cetti's Warbler. A male Marsh Harrier quartered the West Flood and we had amazing views of two Spoonbills.

After searching for Honey Buzzard, and seeing an adult male circling within moments, we moved on to Blean Woods.

This was the one spot where we didn't find our target, Bullfinch. It felt eerily quiet for most of the walk, then we stopped when we encountered a tit flock. Within the next few minutes we had logged Firecrest, Spotted Flycatcher, Marsh Tit, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and, best of all, a rare find with a migrant Wood Warbler feeding in the canopy!

It couldn't get better than that! With Gerald set to fly home the next morning, the birding had gone so well that we were able to get him back to the hotel ahead of schedule so he could rest up.
