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Year list booster -- trip 2

Writer's picture: David CampbellDavid Campbell

The mist hung over Arundel in the twilight early this morning, our second of this year's year list booster days, but thankfully not enough to hamper o dawn watch over the river. Among the first birds on our list was Tawny Owl, with two calling off to our right. Soon afterwards, a Barn Owl patrolled the meadows just beyond the reeds for several minutes, giving fantastic views. While Marsh Harriers and a Little Egret left their roost, so did a mixed flock of Bramblings and Chaffinches, noisily emerging from their chosen ivy-clad tree. Just when we thought it was getting too light, a Woodcock finally made an appearance, with a close pass almost at eye level! Cetti's Warbler and Snipe added their voices to the mix.

River Arun

From behind us, a Firecrest called, reminding us that the day was truly underway and to go looking for diurnal birds...

We couldn't resist calling in at Swanbourne Lake, as we were passing it on the way out of Arundel. In record time we tracked down Mandarin Duck, Marsh Tit, Treecreeper, Nuthatch and a handful of Firecrests and Goldcrests - superb!

Westdean Woods was allowed a fair bit of time as some of the target species there are very elusive, Hawfinch being one. We enjoyed close views of Siskin, a few Bramblings and a flyover flock of Crossbills but time began to run dry. We made our way back to the car, feeling we'd made a fair effort... then a harsh 'tsikk!' drew our eyes to a splendid male Hawfinch right next to the car! It was even singing, though admittedly Hawfinch song isn't the most sophisticated... These 'last minute' spots are always a thrill!

male Hawfinch

With this boost, we headed up the road to Iping Common, quickly seeing the Little Bunting with its Reed Bunting companions. Three Dartford Warblers and a Stonechat were also seen, but most of the heath was eerily quiet so we moved on towards the coast.

Little Bunting

At Church Norton, offshore birds were our priority as we intended to make the most of the calm conditions to view the settled and feeding birds on the sea. A little raft of Red-breasted Mergansers were close in, as were some of the half-dozen or so Slavonian Grebes. Two Eiders, three Red-throated Divers and a Gannet put in an appearance, then we picked out the two Long-tailed Ducks which have been offshore for the last day or two. They were extremely distant until a mob of speedboats disturbed the peace, and they landed right in with the close Red-breasted Mergansers! We were sorry to see the birds hounded, but it was a treat to see them at such close range.

Long-tailed Ducks

Slavonian Grebe

Scanning the harbour itself revealed the wintering Whimbrel, a flock of Golden Plovers, Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwits, and an assortment of other waders including Knot, Grey Plover, Curlew and Dunlin. Three Goldeneye in the main channel were a nice bonus too.

After a quick, unsuccessful search for Cattle Egrets, we made a pitstop at Dell Quay, where we added Spotted Redshank, Greenshank and Dark-bellied Brent Goose. There were good views of Pintail and Wigeon on offer, and looks at more Goldeneye and Red-breasted Merganser.

We scanning over the water meadows at Burpham rather hopefully, but this turned out to be well-placed optimism, because the 11 Bewick's Swans had returned from their recent excursion to Amberley. These birds are such a delight to have here.

Bewick's Swans

At The Burgh, we managed superb views of another Barn Owl, though the conditions were so calm that there was little other bird of prey activity. Grey Partridges and Red-legged Partridges had a lot to say though, calling all over the place. As dusk fell, two Woodcocks flew overhead. We used the thermal imager and our torch on the way back to the car to get lovely views of a hunting Tawny Owl.

We ended the day back in Arundel with a healthy 103 species under our belt, and it never even felt rushed. Beautifully calm and dry days like this, so filled with birds, just can't be beaten!

Our species list for the day:

  1. Greylag Goose

  2. Dark-bellied Brent Goose

  3. Canada Goose

  4. Mute Swan

  5. Bewick's Swan

  6. Shelduck

  7. Mandarin Duck

  8. Gadwall

  9. Wigeon

  10. Mallard

  11. Pintail

  12. Teal

  13. Tufted Duck

  14. Eider

  15. Long-tailed Duck

  16. Goldeneye

  17. Red-breasted Merganser

  18. Grey Partridge

  19. Red-legged Partridge

  20. Pheasant

  21. Little Grebe

  22. Slavonian Grebe

  23. Great Crested Grebe

  24. Feral Pigeon

  25. Stock Dove

  26. Woodpigeon

  27. Collared Dove

  28. Moorhen

  29. Coot

  30. Avocet

  31. Oystercatcher

  32. Grey Plover

  33. Golden Plover

  34. Lapwing

  35. Whimbrel

  36. Curlew

  37. Bar-tailed Godwit

  38. Black-tailed Godwit

  39. Turnstone

  40. Knot

  41. Dunlin

  42. Woodcock

  43. Snipe

  44. Spotted Redshank

  45. Greenshank

  46. Redshank

  47. Razorbill

  48. Black-headed Gull

  49. Common Gull

  50. Herring Gull

  51. Great Black-backed Gull

  52. Red-throated Diver

  53. Gannet

  54. Cormorant

  55. Grey Heron

  56. Little Egret

  57. Marsh Harrier

  58. Buzzard

  59. Barn Owl

  60. Tawny Owl

  61. Great Spotted Woodpecker

  62. Green Woodpecker

  63. Kestrel

  64. Jay

  65. Magpie

  66. Jackdaw

  67. Rook

  68. Carrion Crow

  69. Raven

  70. Coal Tit

  71. Marsh Tit

  72. Blue Tit

  73. Great Tit

  74. Cetti's Warbler

  75. Long-tailed Tit

  76. Dartford Warbler

  77. Goldcrest

  78. Firecrest

  79. Nuthatch

  80. Treecreeper

  81. Wren

  82. Starling

  83. Mistle Thrush

  84. Song Thrush

  85. Redwing

  86. Blackbird

  87. Robin

  88. Stonechat

  89. Dunnock

  90. House Sparrow

  91. Pied Wagtail

  92. Meadow Pipit

  93. Chaffinch

  94. Brambling

  95. Hawfinch

  96. Greenfinch

  97. Linnet

  98. Crossbill

  99. Goldfinch

  100. Siskin

  101. Yellowhammer

  102. Reed Bunting

  103. Little Bunting


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