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Two days at Pulborough

Writer's picture: David CampbellDavid Campbell

I had a lovely couple of days at Pulborough Brooks RSPB reserve with Jennifer last week. The first day was a little on the cold and damp side but we muddled through and enjoyed some fantastic birding, while the second day was beautifully sunny and spring-like, with butterflies on the wing and Adders — and a Common Lizard — basking by the paths.

Adder at Pulborough Brooks RSPB. Wildlife experiences in Sussex with Wildstarts.

Wildfowl numbers were down since I was last there, of course, but we still enjoyed a good variety, including Pintail, Teal, Wigeon and Gadwall.

Waders were represented by two pairs of Avocets and migrants in the form of Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin and Ringed Plover — not forgetting several Snipe snoozing along the edges and dedicated incubating Lapwing parents!

Avocets at Pulborough Brooks RSPB. Private birding trips and experiences in Sussex with Wildstarts.

Snipe at Pulborough Brooks RSPB. Private birding trips and experiences in Sussex with Wildstarts.
Snoozing Snipe
Lapwing incubating at Pulborough Brooks RSPB. Private birding trips and experiences in Sussex with Wildstarts.
Incubating Lapwing

There were no raptors on day one but our second walk featured a White-tailed Eagle, several Buzzards and a couple of Red Kites as the warmer skies encouraged birds of prey into action.

The feeders were busy with birds, including a fine male Reed Bunting, and we encountered Treecreepers, Goldcrests, Nuthatches and Great Spotted Woodpeckers as we walked round. We were also charmed by a pair of Stonechats and a stunning male Grey Wagtail.

Treecreeper at Pulborough Brooks RSPB. Private birding trips and experiences in Sussex with Wildstarts.
Male Stonechat at Pulborough Brooks RSPB. Private birding trips and experiences in Sussex with Wildstarts.
Male Stonechat
Male Grey Wagtail at Pulborough Brooks RSPB. Private birding trips and experiences in Sussex with Wildstarts.
Male Grey Wagtail

Our first day also featured a beautiful Water Pipit from the Winpenny Hide but it flew before I managed to take any photos. It was nice to see a couple of Little Grebes on the second tour, a scarce bird at the reserve, as well as a Great White Egret.


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