I had a lovely couple of days at Pulborough Brooks RSPB reserve with Jennifer last week. The first day was a little on the cold and damp side but we muddled through and enjoyed some fantastic birding, while the second day was beautifully sunny and spring-like, with butterflies on the wing and Adders — and a Common Lizard — basking by the paths.

Wildfowl numbers were down since I was last there, of course, but we still enjoyed a good variety, including Pintail, Teal, Wigeon and Gadwall.
Waders were represented by two pairs of Avocets and migrants in the form of Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin and Ringed Plover — not forgetting several Snipe snoozing along the edges and dedicated incubating Lapwing parents!

There were no raptors on day one but our second walk featured a White-tailed Eagle, several Buzzards and a couple of Red Kites as the warmer skies encouraged birds of prey into action.
The feeders were busy with birds, including a fine male Reed Bunting, and we encountered Treecreepers, Goldcrests, Nuthatches and Great Spotted Woodpeckers as we walked round. We were also charmed by a pair of Stonechats and a stunning male Grey Wagtail.

Our first day also featured a beautiful Water Pipit from the Winpenny Hide but it flew before I managed to take any photos. It was nice to see a couple of Little Grebes on the second tour, a scarce bird at the reserve, as well as a Great White Egret.